My Notebook

Most of this probably won't make much sense to you...meh, Que Sera, Sera.

Friday, February 04, 2005


This is what I had for a snack tonight, it was quite edible but far from recommendable. I suggest finding something better, but I wanted something simple to make which included meat as a primary ingredient so the staple soup or nachos were definetly out.

- Thaw out a steak, feel free to use the microwave if you are impatient like I was. While it's microwaving pre-heat the oven to some sort of warm temperature, the exact setting depends on your patience and how dry you want the meat.
- Cut off any bits that the microwave somehow cooked while leaving the rest half-frozen - toss to cats.
- Pound, stretch, massage, pull, rub, and otherwise assault the meat
- Go into the pantry and find some herbs that look good; I used basil, oregano and two other kinds. I don't really know what they were, but they smelled good so I used some. Take these herbs and massage them into the meat.
- Splash a little bit of olive oil onto the meat and massage it in.
- Trip over cats
- Curse under breath at cats
- Find good tasting things in the fridge to add to the meat, I used a teeny tiny bit of garlic, a few drops of HP sauce. Splash a little lemon juice on your hands and then rub in the garlic and HP sauce.
- Salt the whole thing.
- Put a little olive oil on a cooking sheet, put your well pummeled steak onto the sheet and throw it in the oven.
- Check in on it every now and then to see how things are going. When it looks good enough to eat, take it out, let it cool a bit then eat it. If you didn't add enough stuff to it already then add more salt or other vices.
- Throw any fatty or otherwise unpleasant bits to the cats so that they stop bothering you and let you watch Casablanca in peace.


The notebook

I'm going to break away from my normal ranting and reviewing here to actually explain something remotely personal. The name of this web-thingy is "My Notebook" which has a connection to a real-world notebook of mine, it's a little brown book with a black strap on it filled with ramblings, notes, phone numbers, and whatever else felt like it needed to be scribbled down. Currently it lives with me, it and a pen are the only things that I can be relied on to have somewhere nearby, usually my jacket pocket but once spring/summer get here I don't know what will happen to it because it's too big to carry in my pants pocket and too small to be of use as a fixed writting pad for extended thoughts. With any luck the world will end before then anyways and my problem will be solved.

The writting style is extraordinarily free-thought; even reading it myself I'm a little confused by bits of it (possibly due to penmanship issues). All in all, if you thought that THIS was non-directional and useless then take comfort in the idea that there is a place where writting is far less coherent. I balance out the nonsensical stream of though conciousness with very useful information which I am bound to forget; so it's existance is justifiable.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

February First

It appears that February has arrived; I should have expected it but somehow I didn't. This means that in two weeks guys across the western world will be scrambling to make last minute arrangements for Valentine's day and girls will be scrambling to find last minute guys. It will somewhat sad to watch; but hey-to each their own.

I understand love as a good sunset; you can expect it to happen every day but rarely is it actually worth paying attention to. These rare times cannot be hunted or searched for; they cannot be forced, all you can do is make sure that you are waiting at the right time so that you don't miss the chance to forever have that memory. The unfortunate part is that so many people see love as any other goal; something that can simply be worked for and attained. I am willing to go outside to see if the sunset will be glorious, but I am not willing to pretend that my hands are the divine hands of fate.

Anyways, if you are reading all of this it is because you have far too much time on your hands and need something to do. Well here are a few alternatives to listening to me ranting about nothing.

August Strindberg and Helium - There's just something abouta flash cartoon of an old depressed writer and a bright pink helium balloon that makes me laugh.

Ill Will Press - Home of the classic "Foamy" flash cartoons; a hyperactive squirrel and "goth-chick" hang out together. A good laugh

Sinfest - A webcomic featuring the egotistical Monique and un-suave Slick; a decent laugh especially with the devil.
