My Notebook

Most of this probably won't make much sense to you...meh, Que Sera, Sera.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Quotes from the last 24 hours

"Women. Can't live with 'em....can't deep fry 'em"

"I like this song; it makes the edges of my face go up"

"Hey look, the wiggers are going to start fighting"

"See that guy over there?" "The one dancing on the table?" "Yeah him, he's responsible for people's lives"

"Hey! Spit out that helicopter!"

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Survey Thingie

I was just sitting around wasting tax payer dollars and saw this survey on someone's blog; since they copied the design for this blog I figured I'd steal their post and fill in this survey


2. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLES OF CLOTHING? My 'Big warm fuzzy sweater', my combat boots and my dress clothes.

3. THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? Phantom of the Opera (Movie edition)

4. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Random times this summer, shift work tends to do weird things to your sleep patterns. (Hooray for sleeping through supper)


6. IF YOU COULD PLAY AN INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? One of them stringed thingies

7. FAVORITE COLOR? Grey-blue


9. DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE AFTERLIFE? I refuse to believe in anything....hey look it's my course outline for my Theology Degree...

10. FAVORITE CHILDREN’S BOOK? How Many Trucks can a Tow Truck Tow


12. IF YOU HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT IS IT? I have some large freckles if they count.


14. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Lives, just not objects.

15. ONE PERSON/PEOPLE FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK AND TALK TO. My grandparents. My father's father could tell me a lot about the old RCAF, my father's mother could tell me about her life, and my mother's mother could tell me a lot about etiquette.






21. WHO DID YOU RECEIVE THIS FROM? OR TAKEN FROM THEIR LJ? Swipped from a friend's blog.

22. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER? Depends on the purpose; I like dark sweetheart roses for lapel wear, parade roses for growing, orchids for giving as corsages, etc.

23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MEAL? Hmmm....the last good meal I had was the crabcakes at the Fall River Pub and Grill (see posting below)

24. WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? I have no birthday; I just sort of faded into existance.

25. DESCRIBE YOUR PJ’s. Greyish-blue plaid pants.

26. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BREAKFAST? My "cold winter's day" breakfast. Take a frying pan and add olive oil/butter, fry up some tinned ham, then fry up some bacon, then fry up some eggs, then use the remaining fat/grease to fry up some toast. Eat with defibulators nearby because there's enough grease in there to kill most barnyard animals.

27. DO YOU LIKE YOUR JOB? I have one of the easiest jobs on the face of the earth and am being paid better than I ever have before.

28. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? Governor General

29. WHAT AGE DO YOU PLAN TO RETIRE? After I have made a name for myself.



I'm poking through financial information and have made a few decisions.

Looking at short term, low capital investments; my best bet is to put all my eggs in one (or possibly two) baskets (this reduces losses due to commisions which TD imposes). In unfortunate good luck on the part of Canada; the rest of the world is going straight down the tubes so currency speculation is of little value. Since our dollar is increasing in strength so steadily there's not much use of hopping onto any other nation's currency except for possibly the Icelandic Krona...stupid strong economy and good leadership....

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bits and pieces

"That dog is confusing; it's so big I'm not sure whether it should be leashed or saddled."

"Alright, now everyone raise your right hand and point slightly upwards and forwards with an open palm.... In nomine Patris, das führer et Spiritus sancti, Amen"

"I know that it sounds so simple; but it's so very curious in my mind. I can sit there upon my oaken seat and freely look upon the Morning Star battling the Archangel; but as to the lesser but closer angels which exist around me, I can only see them when I fall upon me knees. Just as the cause of Morning Star's fall upon the earth is not as important as what happened after the fall; the reason for me falling upon my knees is not as important as the fact that after the fall I may gaze upon"

"Here's the difference between a small town and a hick-town; in a small town when I go into the general store wearing a neck-tie they call me "sir" and are polite to me; in a hick town if I go in wearing a neck-tie they call me "sir", are polite to me and ask me about my job at the bank."

"I'm not a freaking padre...just ignore what it says on the sleeve...."

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I missed lunch today, so I decided to head downtown; originally I planned on hitting the farmer's market then bringing it back to eat. A change of plans arose though when I noticed that a little place on Front Street called "The Cosmopolitan" had just opened up; it looked okay so I headed in for some lunch. For those wondering, it's on the west side of the street (the side closest to the river for those directionally disabled) across the road from City Hall and Century Place (just north of some salon and just south of "The Toad's Hollow").

The restaurant is reasonably well decorated and has the look of a "nice" restaurant (think Paulo's/Dinkel's for those who live around here); I was originally unsure if my faded jeans would fit in until I was greeted by a Turkish looking fellow wearing a colourful shortsleeve shirt with a tattoo on his arm. He was polite and without pretention. Nice guy. The table was set with glass stemware and linen napkins with a full compliment of two forks, three spoons and a knife; it was a rare occasion where I was over-equipped for the meal. The tattooed fellow who greeted me at the door was also my waiter; he apologised at one point for not following the standard 'serve from the left, clear from the right' rule; but since I was seated so close to the window the situation demanded that my food be both (or horror of horrors!) served *and* cleared from my right hand side.

I started with a "cherry-ade" (a lemonade drink which flavoured with fresh cherries), which was followed by a salad in a rasberry vinagrette dressing and bowtie pasta with meatballs and tomato sauce, plenty of cheese, fresh melon and grapes, and garlic bread. I unfortunately did not have time to experience their desert, but their food was quite good. The bill was 14.03 plus tip which was quite reasonably considering portions, service and quality.

I highly recommend this place to anyone in the mood for some good food; it's "casual-fine dining" at it's best, and typically downtown Belleville.


Monday, July 25, 2005

Owen Goes a-Wooing

Random story I found on the internet

OWEN, one of the men-servants at Nannau, was going to see his sweetheart, who was a milkmaid at Dol y Clochydd. The night was very dark, and Owen lost his way. After wandering about for some time he fell into Llyn Cynnwch. He could not swim, and the water closed over him, and he sank down, down, down. As he descended his brain began to clear, and he found that the process of sinking was by no means as unpleasant as might have been expected. He breathed as freely as on land, and the further he went the clearer became the water. At last he alighted on a level spot at the bottom of the lake. He was surprised to find a beautiful country, with green fields and flowery hedges and leafy trees. Presently a short, fat old man came to him and asked him where he had come from. Owen explained how he had fallen into the lake on his way to see Siwsi, his sweetheart. "You are welcome," said the short, fat old man, and he conducted him to a beautiful mansion where there was a large company assembled, amusing themselves with all kinds of merriment and frolicking.
After he had been there for about an hour or two he went to the short, fat old man and said to him, "Would you be so kind, sir, as to show me the way to Dol y Clochydd? I am late as it is, and I am afraid Siwsi will give me up and go to bed unless I turn up soon." His host tried to induce him to stay, but Owen was anxious to go, and at last his petition was granted. The short, fat old man took him along a level path, which led right underneath the hearthstone of Dol y Clochydd. The stone lifted itself up when Owen came to it, and he found himself in the kitchen. Siwsi was sitting by the fire weeping for him. She was terribly frightened when she saw him, and he had much difficulty in proving to her that he was not a ghost, for instead of being an hour or two late, as he had imagined, he had been missing for over a month.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


The fifth- It is one or two centuries ago, somewhere across the ocean in some type of dockside city. There is awkward silence and I am with four criminals (three men, one woman) and although we know each other I am not part of their group; they are armed. As some type of final memorial before they board their ship and cross the ocean to come here; they have me take a few simple group photos of them. They stand shoulder to shoulder in various arrangements with blank expressions as if they being recorded out of neccessity instead of sentimentality. They worry that after they leave I will tell the authorities where they have escaped to; there is some discussion of trying to kill me. The woman tries to kill me, I see the long metal club that she has, it stands out against the dark background; I defend myself but do not try to injure her. She shoots at me with some gun but it only grazes my side. *Blank* I am now somehow fighting a male although this seems to be the same battle; this male was not one of the criminals from before. We fight with our hands, no weapons; a head is smashed into a wall but only a small droplet of blood appears, I am confused that there is so little damage despite the force of the blow. *blank* the fight is over, neither of us have won but we have declared some sort of truce.


Today London was struck again by unknown persons who used bombs planted in backpacks to attack the metropolitan transit system. There were four explosions but fortunately only one person is reported as injured during the blasts.

God Save the Queen

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What I did

Sitting on a stone near the water watching the dragonflies dancing around a stick. I saw fish - I could've sworn that one looked at me.

I walk down the path by the water at St Paul University; there is no real path near the water but from years of feet treading over the shoreline a path had been worn into the soil; a few inches deep at certain points. The footsteps of those who came before me show the path to take.

Went into a building with a general store and a restaurant assuming a good store and sleazy restaurant; I came out finding a spectacular restaurant and a mediocre store. The "Fall River Pub and Grill" at the intersection of Highway 7 and 36 is by far one of the best restaurants I've ever been to. I had my first crab cake there, which came with salad and fresh fruit; it was one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten. The staff there is very friendly and well knowledged about their menu; great people. The ambiance inside is great with good music, nice artwork and a tasteful decor; great woodwork in the actual structure of the building. Despite being the type of place that I would expect to be a bit pricey; the food was very reasonably priced; my meal (including drink) came to just $12.

Also went to a restaurant called 'Atomic' or something like that in Kingston recently, it's on the road parallell to Princess but one to the south. Very "modern" ambiance, but decent food. I recommend against trying random italian sodas in the "brio" flavour. It's also decently priced, lunch for two (including random drinks) came to twenty something. It's worth going to if you're in Kingston hunting for a place for a cool drink.

Oh yeah, and that Pinot Grigio white Italian wine was decent - but no matter what your friends force you to do, don't drink it like cheap swill, even if you're doing it from a silver goblet.


The first - I am on a military base, it feels close to home (Trenton?). Dark jets with the markings of the Royal Air Force fly past bombing as they go. There is confusion, nobody seems to understand why we are being attacked by someone that we think is one of our closest allies. Their attack devestates the base and there is minimal resistance because we are unsure whether or not we are supposed to fight back. *blank*

The second - It is dark and raining; a heavy and severe rain where the raindrops are visible to me more as long pins than as soft droplets. I am leaning over a steep rocky cliff which overlooks some large body of water (an ocean?), the water is rough and there are stones at the bottom. I look down and see that there is something soft, rounded and not dark like everything else around; it is a soft and clean white (I cannot now say what it was). At the time I had a feeling that whatever (whoever?) it was, it was something that I wanted and was discontent with it being nearly at the bottom of the cliff. *blank*

The third - It is daylight, there is a large black dog chasing me, it bites my arm and holds on. We fight, I strike it but it doesn't release me, it continues to attack and hold my hand in its jaws. *blank* I am now in a nearby room where my friends are, the dog is with me but it is now calm and friendly; my wrist is still hurting from the bites. *blank*

The forth - It is daylight, and I am walking on the sidewalk of a very wide but empty street; there are large fields on my side of the street, I don't know what's on the other side. By chance I am walking in the same direction as some girl, I only see her from behind but I have no feeling of knowing her; I feel awkward because I think she might think that I'm following her although I know I am not. I see a good male friend of mine walking near me; we are not walking together and he does not see me. She starts to jog lightly, just as my friend starts to jog lightly; I join because I want to make sure that he is not trying to follow her. Our light jogs turn into a full sprint. *blank* We three are in a dark alleyway, confused; she might be frightened, might not. *blank* She is gone and so is my friend; two male friends of hers are with me in the alley though and are unhappy with me for following her, they try to assault me but I quickly win the fight. *blank*

Monday, July 18, 2005

Yet more shiney things

I like silver, it's something about my inner-crow which yearns for shiney things. This last week I checked out a new antique shop downtown and picked up a pair of silverplate wine cups made in Spain, nice little ones with some kind of floral pattern wrapping up around the stem. Unfortunately this also demanded the neccesity of wine, *forcing* me to also purchase a bottle of white wine (still unopened, review to come) and a corkscrew.

For reasons unclear to me at the moment I seem to be having a slight obsession with southern Europe at the moment - Spanish silver cups, Italian wine, begining to study italian. At the moment I'm chalking it up to good ol' Dean Martin but I'll ponder on it some more.


Friday, July 08, 2005


Yesterday, on the seventh of July 2005; unknown persons made a co-ordinated attack on the mass transit system of London. The death toll is currently at 49 with hundreds more injured. My heart goes out to the people of England, I hope that they maintain the resolve and stiff upper lip which they have made themselves famous for.

God Save the Queen.

There’ll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Tomorrow, just you wait and see
There’ll be love and laughter
And peace ever after
Tomorrow, when the world is free

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Random Quotes

Here are some random quotes from the last little while

"You're tall"
"And you're lovely, both of these things are rather obvious though"

"Are you polishing your shoes?"
"Of course not, I'm shoeing my polish"

"What did you guys have for breakfast?"
"Same thing as every other day - Pig, Potatoes and egg"

"If you guys call me a padre one more time I'm gonna start baptising the lot of you!"

"Your hands, they're so small"
"I prefer the term 'slender'.....Waitaminute why are you laughing like that?"
