My Notebook

Most of this probably won't make much sense to you...meh, Que Sera, Sera.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Well that's a surprise

Here's the first line of the vow taken by all popes except John-Paul I, John-Paul II (the last guy) and Benedict XVI (the new guy).

"I vow to change nothing of the received Tradition, and nothing thereof I have found before me guarded by my God-pleasing predecessors, to encroach upon, to alter, or to permit any innovation therein."

And people wonder why the Roman Catholic church has been having trouble with accepting change...


Monday, November 21, 2005

Dreamer with a penny

I had a wonderful dream night before last. It was the first time in memory that I actually laid in bed afterwards with my eyes closed trying to hold onto every slight nuance of the dream; bloody alarm clock.


Friday, November 18, 2005

Things that annoy me about this residence

I love Saint Paul University for all sorts of reasons; great people, wonderful atmosphere etc. Unfortunately my residence is not run by the university and things are run significantly more poorly here. The front desk staff are great, the RAs do all they can with what they've got to work with and everyone I've dealt with so far seems to be a generally good person; it's just that whichever muppet was in charge of building this place was an idiot. I'm slightly bitter because of...

-Being woken up on a weekend and told to pack up everything I have so that they can paint my ceiling.

-Finding a notice on my door telling me to pack up everything I have so that they can paint my ceiling again (sometime during the weekend; I'm supposed to just sort of leave everything under cover for three days).

-Not having an actual mailbox and having to guess when I'm getting mail so I can know to ask at the front desk.

-Having to twice replace my keycard because it was completely useless and having it reprogrammed dozens of times for being partially useless.

-Hyper-sensitive smoke detectors

-Being lied to about there being a "cinema style theatre" here

-Being lied to about various activities which we have supposedly had in years past.

-An internet connection which works occasionally and poorly when it does work.

-Having a room that smelled like caulking for the first two months

-People have been stuck in the elevators eight times since I got here in september

-The innumerable times that I've had construction guys come into my room

-Social events which have been severe let downs.

-Initially not being able to do laundry here, being forced instead to go into the basement of the seminary. Now that we do have machines they're jacking the price up to 1.50 per wash or dry ($3.00 per load).

-Not having any sort of stove or oven to cook with at first

-Have to go down the hall and take an elevator just to get to a stove now that they're here

-Being lied to about there being vending machines here

-The pool table is coin-op

Bloody building....


Saturday, November 12, 2005

From Punch

"It's past two O'Clock, why didn't you come earlier?"
"Well a fellow must dine you know."

Lil' more Latin

Latin: Non vereor ne illam me amare hic potuerit resciscere; quippe haud etiam quicquam inepte feci.
Trans: I don't think anyone knows I love the girl; I haven't done anything really silly yet.

Latin: Epistula non erubescit.
Trans: A letter doesn't blush.

Latin: De inimico non loquaris sed cogites
Trans: Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

And now for some latin

Latin: Credo quia absurdum
Trans: I believe it because it is absurd

Latin: Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Trans: In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.

Latin: Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Trans: If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.

Latin: Cogito, ergo doleo.
Trans: I think, therefore I am depressed.

Latin: Me oportet propter praeceptum te nocere.
Trans: I'm going to have to hurt you on principle.

Latin: Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant!
Trans: May barbarians invade your personal space!

Latin: Cum recte vivis, ne cures verba malorum
Trans: If you live properly, don't worry about what the evil ones say

Latin: Facilis descensus Averno
Trans: The descent to hell is easy

Latin: In vino veritas
Trans: There is truth in wine

Latin: Nemo saltat sobrius
Trans: Nobody dances sober

Latin: Nunc est bibendum
Trans: "Now it's time to drink

Latin: Perspecite potestatem caesi.
Trans: Behold the power of cheese.

Motto of the Lewis family: Amicus Omnibus
Translated : Friend of Everyone

Motto of the Travers family: Nec Timide, Nec Temere
Translated: Neither timid nor rashly

A few more bits of latin come to mind; but I try not to encourage the usage of latin phrases preferred by silly little french girls.


Of recent events

Someone told me "This is university, you're supposed to be experimenting!" and so I have... today I tried Irish Breakfast and Prince of Wales tea from Twinnings instead of my usual Twinnings Earl Grey.
