My Notebook

Most of this probably won't make much sense to you...meh, Que Sera, Sera.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh give me a home, where the roaches don't roam....

Apparently there are some sub-par apartments in Ottawa

Sign "For Rent - Ask next door at Quizno's"
"Hi, are there still places for rent upstairs?"
"I don't think you'd fit in - you don't seem to have an obvious crack addiction and don't seem to be dealing anything either."
"Errr.... I suppose I could fake it if the apartments are nice enough."
"Well there are places for rent, but I sure wouldn't call them 'apartments', they're more like moldy closets where you share washrooms, a kitchen and vermin with the various crackheads in the building."
"How special... I think I'll pass".

This was followed by a few other failed attempts at finding suitable lodgings... so far the best one I've seen is a smokey rooming house with a bunch of middle aged "hard drinking" guys where I was greeted a fellow who seemed to have only a vague grasp of English and some guy rolling a joint... sadly it was the least troubling place that I saw.


Commenting on Commentary

To my Designated Dreamer- I say humbug to your silliness, HUMBUG! There are many things I am, but cute isn't one of them. p.s. I still need to see you soon so you can finally explain to me your cryptic little message (although it seeems you might be dashing off on another adventure before we get the chance).

To my poetess - One shot of sad is a bitter drink, no matter how long it's been or how long it will be until it comes.

And to you E-Penis-Caller, whoever you are: well played good sir, well played.
