Oh give me a home, where the roaches don't roam....
Apparently there are some sub-par apartments in Ottawa
Sign "For Rent - Ask next door at Quizno's"
"Hi, are there still places for rent upstairs?"
"I don't think you'd fit in - you don't seem to have an obvious crack addiction and don't seem to be dealing anything either."
"Errr.... I suppose I could fake it if the apartments are nice enough."
"Well there are places for rent, but I sure wouldn't call them 'apartments', they're more like moldy closets where you share washrooms, a kitchen and vermin with the various crackheads in the building."
"How special... I think I'll pass".
This was followed by a few other failed attempts at finding suitable lodgings... so far the best one I've seen is a smokey rooming house with a bunch of middle aged "hard drinking" guys where I was greeted a fellow who seemed to have only a vague grasp of English and some guy rolling a joint... sadly it was the least troubling place that I saw.
Sign "For Rent - Ask next door at Quizno's"
"Hi, are there still places for rent upstairs?"
"I don't think you'd fit in - you don't seem to have an obvious crack addiction and don't seem to be dealing anything either."
"Errr.... I suppose I could fake it if the apartments are nice enough."
"Well there are places for rent, but I sure wouldn't call them 'apartments', they're more like moldy closets where you share washrooms, a kitchen and vermin with the various crackheads in the building."
"How special... I think I'll pass".
This was followed by a few other failed attempts at finding suitable lodgings... so far the best one I've seen is a smokey rooming house with a bunch of middle aged "hard drinking" guys where I was greeted a fellow who seemed to have only a vague grasp of English and some guy rolling a joint... sadly it was the least troubling place that I saw.